Following First..
At CIYFC we not only want students to come to know Christ, but we also want to train students to lead their peers to know Christ through sharing the Gospel and discipleship. One week a Zionsville Campus Life leader told a group of 8th grade boys that their leader was sick and unable to lead their group discussion. One of the 8th graders said quietly and in a somewhat joking tone
“Can I lead our group discussion?”
The leader then went on to approve his request and this boy lead the group. We love seeing students follow their God-given passions and use it to further the Kingdom. What a joy to see students lead one another closer to Jesus!

2 Minutes
A Life Changing Place for Betsy
Betsy joined YFC to get connected with other people on campus – to make friends and to be seen.

2 Minutes
A Simple Invite
Parent Life ministry reaches expectant and parenting teens and their children in unique ways to empower them in their next steps

1 Minute
Changing The Way We Connect
Every conversation started with, “I just don’t know what to do!”

2 Minutes
Standing Up Can Look Like Standing Alone
Even when you feel alone, His Presence is Enough

2 Minutes
A Life Changing Place for Betsy
Betsy joined YFC to get connected with other people on campus – to make friends and to be seen.

2 Minutes
A Simple Invite
Parent Life ministry reaches expectant and parenting teens and their children in unique ways to empower them in their next steps

1 Minute
Changing The Way We Connect
Every conversation started with, “I just don’t know what to do!”

2 Minutes
Standing Up Can Look Like Standing Alone
Even when you feel alone, His Presence is Enough